Delivery Schedule

  • Orders placed before 8 PM will be prepared the next day and those after 8 PM may take additional time to process.
  • Fresh bread and baked goods are made to order.
  • Delivery is available across Delhi NCR everyday
  • Cash on Delivery (COD) is now available *subject to availability of our delivery executive in your area.
  • A flat delivery fee of Rs. 100 is charged for orders below Rs. 500 in Delhi. 
  • Rs. 50 is charged for orders below Rs. 500 in Noida

Rent our space

This 1000sqft space is perfect for small private parties, performances, workshops and similar events.

It is a open plan space with moveable furniture which enables us to modify it as per your specific requirements.

The modular nature of the space makes it one of a kind in Delhi/NCR. From a dance performance to film screening we can do it all.

P.S. Don’t hesitate to ask for special rates only for artists!!